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For your convenience, we can be reached by email or chat. Our customer care team is also available by phone appointment.
General Sales & Inquiries For questions about In My Bathroom (IMB) products, services and features, make a new purchase or check the status of an existing order. Email:
Product & User Support Support Center: To get helpful info and faster results on all things IMB, please visit our online Support Center. Here you'll learn how to setup, use and maintain your products, and find quick links to company resources, including the services we offer, bathroom recommendations, FAQs, warranty and much more. Email:
Partnerships & Community Interested in joining our team as an affiliate, authorized reseller (wholesaler), or signing up to our referral program? Get in touch! Become a Partner: Complete Form Email:
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If you can't find what you're looking for or need help with something, please contact us anytime.
For your convenience, we can be reached by email or chat. Our customer care team is also available by phone appointment.
General Sales & Inquiries For questions about In My Bathroom (IMB) products, services and features, make a new purchase or check the status of an existing order. Email:
Product & User Support Support Center: To get helpful info and faster results on all things IMB, please visit our online Support Center. Here you'll learn how to setup, use and maintain your products, and find quick links to company resources, including the services we offer, bathroom recommendations, FAQs, warranty and much more. Email:
Partnerships & Community Interested in joining our team as an affiliate, authorized reseller (wholesaler), or signing up to our referral program? Get in touch! Become a Partner: Complete Form Email:
Join our newsletter today and be the first to know what's happening at IMB, including our latest deals, exclusive offers, freebies, product releases and other exciting stuff to help you build a better bathroom and save right away. Subscribe Here
Send us a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. |